Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cinema Soap Box: Prometheus Avenged!

Okay so I belive it’s time to get back up on my Cinema Soap Box. Let’s begin shall we.

First a tip of the hat to 20th Century Fox for their decision not to compromise Prometheus after it got the R-rating. If you haven’t been keeping up the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has been under the microscope whilst trying to determine whether Ridley Scott’s horror epic Prometheus would receive an R or PG-13 rating. Being as it’s a prequel/not-a-prequel to the Alien franchise I’m sure most fans (not unlike myself) were salivating at the thought of an epic horror summer blockbuster couched in the Alien universe with the oh so desirable R-rating. However there is an interesting and understandable dilemma taking place here.

Consider this, a huge epic blockbuster with stunning visuals and effects is not cheap to produce. A film like the Avengers that speaks to multiple generations and can have light hearted family moments as well as action and adventure (and that rakes in $207 million opening week) can easily return on the cost of making the film. A horror film speaks to a more limited audience. Then when it is restricted by an R-rating that audience shrinks further. According to IMDB Guillermo del Toro had an epic horror film in the works similar in style to Prometheus. The R-rating scared Fox into canceling the film as there was little chance raking in enough money to be productive. After Prometheus received it’s R-rating, however, Fox decided to stand by Ridly Scott (director or Alien, and Blade Runner) and not compromise the film for a better rating.

Let’s all take a minute to than Fox for this decision. Go ahead… tweet them @20thcenturyfox and remember to hash tag it #Prometheus and #JTR J . Prometheus releases June 8, 2012 right around the time Avengers should be releasing their hold on the box office. And yes, after celebrating my one year anniversary with my lovely wife on June 11th, I will make it my mission to see Prometheus in theaters.

Speaking of the Avengers, I believe it’s really time to get up on my soap box. Now I’ve not seen the film yet although there is no shortage of news floating around about it. I’m kind of holding out to see Iron Man 2 first (I know, late to the game. Shut up and stop throwing rocks at me). Anyway as we all know the Avengers shattered box office records at $207 million opening week beating Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows by about $38 million. What I didn’t know is they did it without the help of the military.

Say what, JTR? Was the military was supposed to help?

Apparently the U.S. military has a Hollywood liaison that helps to cultivate a positive image of U.S. intelligence community and government in film. Huh, ya learn something new everyday. Why then would they not want to be involved in the Avengers? Apparently S.H.E.L.I.D. screwed it all up for everyone! Apparently the film doesn’t accurately depict certain aspects of the inner workings of the military. Cause I mean I’m sure they have an accurate plan of how things would work in the event of an alien invasion where involvement by super human heroes is needed. Beyond that our armed forces just wasn’t sure about that shady ambiguous (FICTIONAL) intelligence agency, S.H.E.I.L.D.. I mean what is their purpose and relationship towards the U.S. military and government? Are they a branch of the United States intelligence community or are they an independent organization? Why wouldn’t S.H.E.I.L.D. accept the military’s friend request on Facebook? Apparently being associated with this fictional agency in this fictional story (that was popular enough to gross over $200 million in 3 days) was just too risky.

But hey who wouldn’t pass up involvement in the most popular film of 2012 (and recent years) just to avoid being seen answering to forces other than the president or federal government in a fictional universe? After all, the actions of a fictional military in a film could be considered treasonous. Good thing are boys had the gumption to stand up to Sector Seven (Transformers) and to try and shoot down Iron Man (Iron Man, duh).

Oh well, the military will have plenty more time to not support the Avengers as Disney has green lit a sequel to the Avengers. Maybe if S.H.E.I.L.D. stays out of things Captain America 2 and Iron Man 3 can play with the military toys.

A’ight folks! That’s it for now! Enjoy the movies and let me know what you think of it all!

Twitter me #JTR

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